24AWPRT320 - Nature in Printmaking

Randy LeSage

2/7—3/27, 7-weeks, 2-5 PM (No class 2/21)

If you enjoy creating artworks focusing on nature, animals, birds and other wildlife, we'll emphasize ways of integrating your imagery through printmaking. Try relief, monotype, collagraph or drypoint etching to find your 'natural' expression! The instructor will guide students through processes and individual approaches. Some materials included. $200

Adult Course Student Supply List (for students to purchase and bring): 

Required Materials: Printmaking Papers (Canson, Rives BFK or other). We'll review the first classBasic sketch pad, pencils or pens. 

Nice to Have: Students may provide additional tools or supplies of choice. 

 *** The print studio provides inks, tools, and two copper plates (approximately 5x7 inches).


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